UPDATE 10/15/23: Turns out the website was only down temporarily! The website and page (with linked files) are back online.
Missing images:
513-No More Sorrows.jpg
565-Unending Love.jpg
569-Love Beyond Degree Cncld, Star in th
464-Crown Him.jpg
467-Admonition p2.jpg
481-A Few More Years.jpg
538-The Living Way.jpg
The following post is pulled from an archive.org capture of the now defunct (at the time of my research on 10/01/23) website BostonSing.org. There has been such a great deal of good scholarship/study on the history of Sacred Harp and shape-note music and culture. But for many reasons that material goes out of print or websites go offline and it’s inaccessible. Luckily there are services like archive.org that allow the diligent to reach into the past and pull material into the present.
The original post, reproduced below, had links to images of the songs, used with permission, but those links were broken, so I’ve stripped out the references to them and their files sizes, just leaving the page numbers and titles of the songs.
I have not edited any of the introductory text or altered the links from how it was presented on archive.org, I have not confirmed any of the information.
Table of Contents
The Sacred Harp – Deletions for the 1991 Edition
The Sacred Harp 1991 is descended from a series of shape-note books that began in 1844. Over the years successive revisions added and deleted tunes from previous editions. However, all tunes that were deleted before 1966 can be found online in either the 1859 edition or in the 1911 James Book. (All the tunes published in editions before 1859 or after that date, but before 1911, can also be found in either the online 1859 or 1911 editions respectively.)
There are, however, tunes that were printed in the 1936 and 1960 revisions that were deleted in the 1966 revision, and additional tunes printed in the 1966 revision that were deleted upon publication of The Sacred Harp 1991. It is the intent of this webpage to provide images of the pages showing these deleted tunes.
Not all such tunes are illustrated here, only those tunes that can NOT be found on the 1850 and 1911 websites referred to above.
The tunes that are displayed can be found on the following pages in page number order beginning with the 1966 deletions, followed by those that took place in 1992, the actual publication date of The Sacred Harp 1991.
Note that all of these tunes are under copyright. The Sacred Harp Publishing Company has allowed permission for BostonSing.org to display its copyrighted pages online.
Deletions from 1966
469-God’s Promise
473-The Sinking Sun
479-For Me to Live is Christ
487-I My Cross I Have Taken
495-Zion’s Song
497-Heavenly Joys
507-My Earnest Prayer
513-No More Sorrows
514-Jesus is the Theme
515-Jesus is the Theme Cncld, Calvary’s
523-Lord Hear My Plea
544-Parting With the World
550-The Love of God
551-The Love of God Cncld
565-Unending Love
566-Unending Love Cncld
567-Love Beyond Degree
568-Love Beyond Degree Ctd
569-Love Beyond Degree Cncld, Star in th
573-God’s Call, Kambia
578-Funeral Hymn
Deletions from 1971
415-Endless Praise
464-Crown Him
467-Admonition p2
469-Seaborn p2
474-A Friend to Grace
475-God’s Mercy
481-A Few More Years
484-Land of Rest
485-Land of Rest p2
492-Endless Life
493-Endless Life p2
494-Grace So Full And Free
497-The Choicest Blessing
501 My Soverign God
503-Eternal Blessings
504-In Thy Praise
510-A Song of Praise
516-Liberty Grove
538-The Living Way
539-The Living Way p2
540-Great Jehovah
547-My Desire
548-My Desire Ctd & The Saviour’s Love.j
549-The Saviour’s Love p2
557-Melissa p2
569-A Parting Prayer
570-Our Saviour